Tuesday, November 29

Let’s have some fun with mapping via Carto before getting into the nitty gritty of geospatial analysis.

Table of contents



This past week, I failed at completing a massive re-write of the tutorials from last year's class. So for today, I have lots of datasets, and lots of hands-on problems. I hope to wrangle all the words and code I've written up to use as a reference when you're doing your final projects for this class. But I think we can learn a decent amount just by going through Carto in class.

Download the data

Go to this page, copy all the URLs, and upload them to your CartoDB account.

Last year's tutorials have the same concepts, it's just that the buttons are in a different place:

  • [Joining crime data to NYPD precincts to create a choropleth map in CartoDB Public Affairs Data Journalism at Stanford University](http://2015.padjo.org/tutorials/mapping/022-joining-crime-data-to-nypd-precinct-map/)
    [- How to map both the quantity and change of NYPD precinct-level crime data Public Affairs Data Journalism at Stanford University](http://2015.padjo.org/tutorials/mapping/033-cartodb-adding-multiple-layers-to-show-diffs-by-precinct)
  • [Creating a multi-layered CartoDB map of Census household incomes and Starbucks locations in NYC Public Affairs Data Journalism at Stanford University](http://2015.padjo.org/tutorials/mapping/044-census-household-income-2000-with-starbucks/)
[Using PostGIS, SQL, and CartoDB to identify schools at risk from Oklahoma's earthquakes Public Affairs Data Journalism at Stanford University](http://2015.padjo.org/tutorials/mapping/077-ok-schools-quakes/)